
Healer | Shaman | Mentor

He has been in the healing field for over 18 years.
He is the founder of a new direction of body-oriented therapy – psychosomatic massage, in the framework of which he has already conducted more than 2,000 healing sessions.
In his youth he suffered from shamanic illness, gaining the ability to communicate with the spirits of plants and animals.
In 2006 he was initiated by nine of the strongest shamans.
“Healing humanity is only possible when people recognize SPIRIT as the most important component of life.”

Methods of healing

Online consultations

Online: completely remote

Individual training based on psychosomatic massage

Online + Offline: 1 face-to-face meeting + 3 weeks of remote support

Methods of healing

Personalized Training Course

"I am a Healer"

Online + Offline: 5 days of classroom training + 70 days of distance learning + 180 days of remote support

✔ Basics of Client Service
✔ Basics of Consulting
✔ Getting to know the client
✔ Techniques for effective request formulation
✔ Techniques for building a channel of trust
✔ Technique of attunement with the client’s body
✔ Technique of energy massage
✔ Technique of block dissolving
✔ Technique of work with trigger points and zones
✔ Technique of work with muscle blocks and clamps
✔ Technique of releasing suppressed emotions
✔ Techniques for dealing with unconscious feelings
✔ Techniques for releasing toxic emotions
✔ Experiencing the psychosomatic atlas
✔ Understanding and interpreting body signals
✔ Practice managing clients after massage
✔ In-person and remote supervision of clients, including support and homework assignments

Group Training Course

"I am a Healer"

Online + Offline: 5 days of classroom training + 70 days of distance learning + 180 days of remote support

✔ Basics of Client Service
✔ Basics of Consulting
✔ Getting to know the client
✔ Techniques for effective request formulation
✔ Techniques for building a channel of trust
✔ Technique of attunement with the client’s body
✔ Technique of energy massage
✔ Technique of block dissolving
✔ Technique of work with trigger points and zones
✔ Technique of work with muscle blocks and clamps
✔ Technique of releasing suppressed emotions
✔ Techniques for dealing with unconscious feelings
✔ Techniques for releasing toxic emotions
✔ Experiencing the psychosomatic atlas
✔ Understanding and interpreting body signals
✔ Practice managing clients after massage
✔ In-person and remote supervision of clients, including support and homework assignments

How does it work?

Each human being is an incredible multiverse of about thirty trillion intelligent cells. All of these cells are connected by a power that shamans call Spirit. This is why we say, “not enough spirit,” “a healthy body has a healthy spirit,” “a rising spirit,” and so on.

Any disease is a conflict that does not allow the spirit to move freely between the cells, binding them into a unified body. The same principle applies to the outside world. Conflict destroys mutual understanding, that is, the connection between man and the world around him (people, situations, events, etc.).

My task is to help the person to identify the conflict and eliminate its cause. The rest is done by the human Spirit.

In my practice I use the author’s technique of psychosomatic massage, which raises huge layers of repressed emotions and unconscious inner conflicts to the conscious level. As a rule, every emotion pulls with it a whole series of memories, and by reliving many negative situations from the past and, most importantly, by accepting everything that has happened, one gets rid of a huge amount of accumulated psycho-emotional charges and temporarily increases neuroplasticity, which allows with high efficiency rewriting toxic attitudes into effective patterns of thinking and behavior.